I'm Ali Heidari

A Data Analyst & Computational Biologist

I am a Data Analyst, and my interest is Machine Learning science and using this technology in plant genetics and plant breeding fields


M.Sc. Degree in Bioinformatics

University of Science and Culture

Tehran Iran

GPA: 16.47 From 20


B.Sc. Degree in software engineering
Associated Degree
(College Diploma) in software engineering


About Royan Gol Biotechnology Company:

Royan Gol Biotechnology Company, specializes in plant breeding. As a biotechnology company, they focus on innovative techniques and methods to enhance and develop plant varieties. Their work is dedicated to improving plant genetics, resulting in superior and more resilient crop varieties, ultimately contributing to advancements in agriculture and horticulture.

My responsibilities

  •  Conducting research and analysis to improve seed genetics and develop innovative breeding strategies. 
  • Collaborating with a team of experts to implement cutting-edge biotechnology and bioinformatics techniques in plant breeding.  
  • Utilizing his knowledge of bioinformatics to enhance seed quality.
  • Data Collection and Extraction:  to collect, gather, and extract data from various sources, both structured and unstructured.
  • Data Cleaning and Preprocessing:  cleaning and preprocessing data to ensure its quality and reliability, including handling missing values and outliers.
  • Data Analysis: data analysis using statistical and analytical tools and techniques to draw meaningful insights and conclusions from the data.
  • Data Visualization: to create visualizations (e.g., charts, graphs, dashboards) to communicate your findings to stakeholders effectively.

The University of Science and Culture (in Persian: Daneshgah Elm va Farhang) is a public non-profit university located in Tehran, Iran.[1] University of Science and Culture is a research institution comprising college of engineering, science and art, offering both undergraduate and postgraduate studies. USC is one of the largest and most prestigious of the non-governmental universities in Iran.

I have been working here as a part-time university lecturer since winter semester 2023, teaching the fundamental of Bioinformatics to undergraduate students.

Bagher Al-Olom Technical high school is the best institute in the software field in district 7 of Tehran.

      I have been working here as a part-time instructor since I graduated with my AAs degree. I am teaching elite students C++ and Python programming languages. Also, I have taught students the base concepts of software development.

Meanwhile, I have had some courses in mathematics and statistics.

Skills: Python (Programming Language), Teaching, Team Leadership, Software Development,  R(Programming Language) · C++  

About Obass:
      The Obass group is a startup established on February 2017 to contribute to the software development industry, however, the company dissolved on May 2018. During these years so many products are developed by the team, most of which were web applications. The most significant application was school automation. This web application was developed to handle all the financial and educational affairs of a school.

My duty:

  • Developing and implementing a comprehensive school automation software using R/Shiny.
    To Design forms and structures based on UX. 
  • To design a platform for online exams.
  • Develop an algorithm to evaluate and assess answer sheets.

      My technology stack at OBASS:
R, HTML, CSS, Python, and C++.

Skills: Data Analyst · Shinydashboard · dplyr · R Shiny · R (Programming Language)

Senior programmer & C++ developer
at Dena E-Commerce Company

Dena E-Commerce is an active company in banking devices and app development. This company has contributed to both the technical and practical parts of the banking devices industries.
My technology stack at Dena: SQL, Mysql, Database Administration, C++, LINUX, Embedded Systems Developer

In my role as a Database Administrator (DBA) at Dena E-Commerce, I was responsible for overseeing the integral aspects of database management in the context of banking systems, including:

1. **Database Security and Access Control:**

– Implementing and managing robust security measures to safeguard financial data.

– Administering user access controls to ensure data confidentiality and integrity.

2. **Data Encryption and Decryption:**

– Overseeing encryption and decryption processes to secure sensitive information.

3. **Transaction Management using ISO-8583:**

– Managing and optimizing transactions within the ISO-8583 framework for seamless financial operations.

4. **Tool Management for POS Devices:**

– Administering and optimizing tools essential for the proper functioning of Point of Sale (POS) devices.

5. **Database Application Development:**

– Collaborating with development teams to design and implement database applications.

– Utilizing C++ language for application development to meet banking requirements.

6. **Platform and Development Environment:**

– Operating in a Linux environment and utilizing QT for database development.

– Implementing version control using Git to track and manage changes in the database system.

7. **Collaborative Development:**

– Collaborating with a team of professionals, including developers, to ensure the seamless integration of database functionality.

This encompassing role involved not only ensuring the security and integrity of financial databases but also collaborating in the development and optimization of database applications crucial to the banking industry.

Launching the project of smartening POS (banking) devices related to the big project of smart citizenship cards, for citizens of Qeshm Island was the main goal of the company. And their purpose in hiring me was to complete the application in order to receive the central banking certificate. Therefore, after achieving the main goal my contract was over and I left the company in late 2018.

Skills: Secure Shell (SSH) · Linux · Git · Algorithm Design · C++

My Skills

Data Analysis
Plant Genetics
Deep Learning
Computational Biology



About UofG:
The Plant Agriculture Department of the University of Guelph is Canada’s largest and most diverse applied plant biology department.

About the project:
We are designing and developing an R shiny application to preprocess big datasets, especially for plant breeders. Using this application, scientists can deal with any abnormalities in their dataset and extract many features and relations between their data.

Some main features:
Detect missing values and visualize their pattern. Refine missing values. Visualize data distribution using density plot, box plot, violin plot, and scatter plot. Detecting outliers using different models. Ability to check outliers one by one or in different groups carefully. Data normalization. four different menus for variance and spatial analysis. and so many other options for handling datasets.

My technology stack at of the University of Guelph:
R package developer, Shinyapp developer, Software Designer, UX Designer, GUI Designer, and Statistical Data Analysis.

Some of the libraries that I worked with:
R developer, shiny, shinydashboard, testthat, testServer, tidyverse, datatable, ggplot2, ggpubr, dplyr, DT, tible, golem, plumber and etc.

Skills: Shinydashboard · Statistics · Statistical Data Analysis · DataTables · ggplot · dplyr · shiny · R Shiny · Software Development · Algorithm Design · R (Programming Language) · Data Analysis


Here are some people whom I had chance to work with. Their recommendation will be available upon request!

Professor Istvan Rajcan

Full Professor at University of Guelph

[email protected]

Professor Hemidreza Erfanian

Head of Bioinformatics Dep. of University of Science and Culture

[email protected]

Professor MJ Shayegan

Head of Computer Dep. of University of Science and Culture

[email protected]